Friday, January 22, 2016

The Verizon store....again

The wife and I went to the Verizon store to pay our first bill (for some reason the first bill has to be paid in person at the store).

I was speaking Korean with my wife as we went into the store, having just finished eating at the Red Robin next door.

The salesman saw us and said the usually 'Hi and welcome to...' speel and then asked if my wife was Japanese. She has gotten use to these words and said, in English, "No. I am Korean."

Well, the boy lit up and showed us a ring that said, "정의바" which is the equivalent to "Choose the Right" in Korean (It really means "Justice Person" if translated directly). He said that he was in the MTC preparing to go to the Busan 부산 Mission in Korea, but had to leave early due to his father getting sick. And, he didn't return.

Oh, well.

He and I got to talk about the LDS church in Korea for awhile while I was paying the bill. There were a lot of customers in the store and they seemed interested in overhearing our conversation about the LDS church in Korea.

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