Sunday, January 31, 2016

Holy Moment? Maybe...

Last week, I had a job interview at a law firm to help with collections and, potentially, a little technical writing. The job would be a god-sent if I could get it, because I could continue to work in a field similar to my chosen career field. I really want this job and I was hoping that it would be in God's Plan.

A few days before the interview, I set up an interview and got on google maps to plan the route. Having no car, I need to rely on the bus with all the seemingly clinically depressed people and occasional slightly crippled elderly person who seem more happy than the other passengers.

Well, I needed to switch buses, which is slightly different than in Korea, because in SLC, you might need to walk a little while to the next busstop. But, SLC bus drivers are more more helpful than Korean bis drivers.
I go off the first bus and walked a little bit to the second bus stop. It was very early in the morning and it was still pretty dark.

I'm waiting at the busstop and then I suddenly hear a voice:  "JASON!"

Looking around I see our Bishop in a new, blue Volkswagen.

"Are you going somewhere? Do you need a ride?" He asked.

The red light turned green and I fumbled with trying to explain where I wanted to go in very few words, but my writer skills failed me and all that graced my lips was a mumbling, "Yeah, I'm going somewhere."

"Hop in."

I got in and we stopped in a nearby parking lot to see where I was going. He decided to drive me.
He said, "I'm glad I ran into you. Usually, I leave about fifteen minutes later."

This hit me. Why did the Bishop suddenly leave fifteen minutes early on a random day? Was it to meet me and give me a clear message that God was with me? I mean, I (like many, I suppose) mix up causation sometimes when it comes to what I want, if God is helping, and where I'm supposed to be. But, this day kind of hit me hard. The clear sign is always more of a blessing than something esoteric and ethereal.

The interview went well and I'm waiting for a second interview with others in the firm.

I can only hope and pray that I can be blessed with a good job where I can potentially make a difference.

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