Wednesday, December 9, 2015



There is certain vocabulary I use throughout my journal that I should explain.

A Highlander copy of the Book of Mormon:  This is when you have a single copy of a Book of Mormon left and the supply needs to be replenished. I call it the Highlander copy because THERE IS ONLY ONE....but, you kind of wish there wasn't because then the fun would end, especially in terms of the movies and TV series.

Ben Gates copy of the Book of Mormon:  A random copy of the Book of Mormon that I carry around in case someone says, “Mormonism? What is that?” And, I can say, “I’m glad you asked, now let me explain.” (This is just like every line of dialogue of the main character Ben Gates of the movie National Treasure.)

A Turtle Moment:  This is a very slow Missionary Moment that could take years to come to anything fruitful.

The Nay-Sayers:  These are those people who are against the church, but in a very subtle way, usually living on SN sites and starting debates with any who will listen.

J-Doves:  Jehovah Witnesses. When I first heard the label "J-Dubs," I thought the Missionaries were saying "J-Doves," which continued on with me.

Cryptography Missionary Moment:  A Missionary Moment done in secret for some reason, usually parents who the constraints of a certain religion.

A Willow Moment: A very small Missionary Moment.

A Distiller Moment: A moment when a student or students come into class hung over and complain about the feeling and having to drink with their classmates. Then, I can talk about how Mormons and the Word of Wisdom.

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