Wednesday, December 9, 2015



This is part of a journal I have attempted to regularly keep since my conversion into the LDS churchMy initial exposure to the LDS church came in Korea through an English speaking ward full of soldiers, defense contractors, and ESL teachers from all over who rotated out every two years. This, added with the uniqueness of Korean culture, brought about many fascinating experiences and kept me from other common trends and activities most life-long Mormons in Utah got to experience. For instance (right off the top of my head): Dating, Pioneer Day, Temple runs to nearby Temples, etc. I never got to take part in this Utah phenomenon, but I have lived in Korea for over ten years and got to experience something strange, backwards, and awesome.

The following blog entries, written with an eye towards an audience, are my experiences after baptism in 2009 or so. As an American Mormon in Korea, this tale unfolds, which is both exciting and about ten degrees off the normal (at least, I like to think so). 

But, before I begin, here is a little information about me:

Age: 36 (in 2016)

Hometown: Oklahoma for about ten years, and Mississippi for thirteen years, and Daegu, South Korea for thirteen years.

Occupation: ESL teacher and Associate Professor in the English Literature, English Education, Korean Literature, and Law departments.

Sex: Male

Education: B.A. English, M.A. Shakespeare, M.A. Korean Poetry.

Religion: Five years as LDS.

Reason for this blog: I hope to bring some new ideas to the table about Missionary work for those who are not on a Mission—you know, give some good ideas to others.

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