Saturday, December 19, 2015

특별한 티셔츠

Every Thursday I teach at an elementary school in a different city. The first day of classes, I wore my Superman T-shirt. The Avengers movie series was big with the Korean elementary school kids (even though Superman and the Avengers are from different comic book universes), so everything was superhero related. 

The names of the superheroes came out differently from the Koreans, like: To-rr (토르), Shu-pa-man (슈퍼맨), I-yi-un-man (아이언맨), etc. I always wondered why the names weren't translated into Korean fully.  Superman could be 초인 (Cho-in), which actually translates as 'a great man; an iron man; amazing man." Iron Man could be 철철갑인 (Chul-chul-gab-in), which translates as "iron armor man." And Captain America could be 미국 대위 (Mi-Guk Dae-Hee) which is literally "Captain (of the Army) America." 


A few students in one class asked me if I was Superman.

"Yes. I am a super man."

"But, you are fat."

"Because I eat big dinners with Jesus."

"Jesus? Not Thor?"

"Thor rules Asgard. Jesus rules the world."

And so every Thursday I wear my Superman T-shirt and the kids always ask what I ate with Jesus (always a bread or fish dish).

I'm glad that Thor and the Avengers came out. I mean, Iron Man only rules over a company and Captain America is an inspiration for the soldiers, but the comparison of Thor to Jesus worked much better.

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