Thursday, January 26, 2017

Jesus and the Presidents

I am really hoping that Jesus was in the hearts and minds of all the presidents, walking beside them all the way, and that Agency's ugly head played occasional havoc.

But, here we are....

 Some people claimed that Satan was made to look like Obama in the series "The Bible."

And, others want to disassociate Trump and Jesus. 

I've always wondered about the extent of one's own dislike of a politician affecting how they apply theology to them. I mean, is it more of someone not liking a politician which leads them to find sources from Scripture to bring them down or....well, fall into confirmation bias?

And, recently I came across this picture. 

I spent years hearing that Obama was the Anti-Christ from some groups, and other groups succumb to state worship. Obama garnered appeal as a leader and towards the federal government, drawing peoples' attention away from local and state issues and more towards the federal level. State worship seemed to be at its peak with Obama. 

But, this is only what I saw from a distance, as I was living in Korea during 90% of Obama's presidency. 

And now, there are some groups who are already jumping on the idea that Trump is the Anti-Christ. I hope Trump does well as president. I'm refuse to buy into the trend these days of claiming Trump has already failed as president. Many were claiming he failed as president before he was even sworn in as president. Only a few days in and things seem to be moving quickly and a lot of executive orders are being signed, but in the six days he has been president, has he already failed? I remember the conservatives jumping on Obama for the same thing. Not one month into Obama's presidency, books were published about Obama's failed presidency. 


Sounds a little judgmental and highly presumptuous to me. 

....just like I see a lot of the left doing these days. 

Like every president, he will probably do some things well and some things badly. He is human and therefore not perfect. But, I have the belief that one man can make a huge difference in this world. The power of the sole person with ambition and drive can make all the difference, but time will tell on these matters. I have hope in presidents when they take office and it is no different than Trump. 

I'm not going to quote any Scripture verses in support Trump or against Trump. I find that wrong; because, like I said, it seems more like I am trying to confirm my own bias than anything, but when I think of what one person can accomplish, many examples come up through out Scriptures--good and bad examples.

...some made a evil contribution to the world whose extent is still being measured.

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