Wednesday, July 27, 2016

YOHO Missionary Moments

I finished my new book. It's titled YOHO Missionary Moments. I never liked the acronym "YOLO," so I used "YOHO":  You Only Have Once; which is true in many cases.

Missionary work is something I love to do. I'm a convert and never got the opportunity to serve a mission, but everyday I can look for chances to share the Revealed Gospel.

And, my life has been anything but normal.
YOHO Missionary Moments follows stories of a drug addiction and subsequent hallucination, a missionary moment from a convert, health issues, stealing a vending machine, Satan worship. the last moments with an old Korean man, thoughts on Mormonism and physics, searching for foreign language Bibles, helping an abused student escape a terrible situation, committing the unforgiveable sin, a past in Protestant churches, Korean Marines and military service, seeing someone read the Bible for the very first time with a complete lack of any knowledge of Christ, going through the Temple for the first time, demons, Mormonism links to pop culture, art, Jehovah Witnesses, Mosque visits, a pornographic torrent site, going to Hawaii, etc.

Over the few years I've been LDS and a life spent before my conversion, I've come across many events and people who have really affected me, bringing my faith into focus after years of denial.  And now, I hope to inspire and be inspired. We are all missionaries, and there are always chances to bring light into others' worlds. Sometimes, we only have once.


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