Monday, May 23, 2016

The Rejects

The 21st Century has come to see a rise in Satanism and a popularity that has come with it that transcends reason. This is because, at first glance, one would probably link Satanism to some murder cult, or one might wonder why anyone would worship a spirit who would bring you into Hell (Spirit Prison) for an eternity of being away from the presence of God? Well, that is because the most recent concept of Satanism follows the LeVeyian view of Satanism, which used Satan as a signifier for the way that society is moving towards. Society, Anton LaVey claimed, is moving towards a Do-What-Thou-Wilt-Mentality. "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law" (The Law of Thelema) was an old saying made popular again by Aleister Crowley. Basically, the whole idea is that Satan is a metaphor for the current direction that society is moving towards, so Satanists are just accepting the final result. Most are Atheists in some sense and view Satan as something far different than the Adversary or a Fallen Angel or anything like that. It is a strange and morbidly fascinating idea or pop-culturism mixed with religion.
There are Satanist groups popping up around America, gaining popularity through social media and news reports. One such group is based out of Minneapolis. They recently posted this on Facebook:

This post really got to me. These are the people who should be given most all of the focus when it comes to Missionary Moments. These are the people who are forgotten, pushed away, avoided, laughed at, and generally talked about behind closed doors. We are all Spirit Brothers and Sisters (Gospel Principles: Chapter 2) and Jesus died for us all (2 Corinthians 5:15). Everyone is deserving of Salvation (Romans 6: 23) and the Fullness of the Gospel. I heard a lot of nay-saying from people when I told them I tried sending a Book of Mormon to the Unabomber and the Son of Sam.

But, these are the kinds of people who specifically need to hear about the Gospel. These are the people who specifically need to know about Christ. And, when I posted a Book of Mormon torrent on a torrent site devoted to graphic pornography and violent videos, I was told that I shouldn't have done that, but the torrent was downloaded a pretty good number of times. All I put was a pdf. file for anyone to download, and they did. I even made a goal for 2016 to get one Juggalo to read the Book of Mormon.
We shouldn't leave the rejects for the Satanic Temple. We should help them find Christ and help them read the Scriptures and come to Church.

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