Thursday, June 9, 2016


When I was younger, there was a similar slogan to CTR amongst the Christians. It was WWJD, or "What would Jesus do?"

When I think about what Jesus would do, I don't think: Murder. And, I especially never think: Overkill.

I don't even have words to describe these comments. Nothing says "I love Jesus," and "I'm Christian" more than prompting the over kill and murder of another person. I mean, this was actually in a Christian discussion group.

I want to send The Onion article to those who commented on this particular post, but I also don't want to comment on this crazy and further give advertisement to this guy and a bigger soapbox to stand on.

If the image is too small, the comment I'm referring is as follows:

"I would have emptied the whole clip into Joseph Smith and then some just to make sure he doesn't come back from the grave."

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