Monday, April 25, 2016


I saw this on the door of the psychology building at UOU. I wish I had quick access to a printer because I would put a flyer under it that says, "Or get your free copy of the Book of Mormon to learn more about the Postmortal Life." And I would put the website on the bottom of the flyer.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Spirit Prison

The idea of Spirit Prison has always fascinated me. Maybe. I'm wrong, but it has always seemed, to me, like a second chance--a promise to find the Revealed Gospel for those who never had the chance or, for whatever reason, never truly turned to Christ. And, with the recent deaths of many actors and singers who I grew up loving (not to mention the recent deaths of General Authority members), the idea of the Postmortal World is at the forefront of my thoughts.

Recently, Prince died. He may have been a strange fellow, but he was a talented musician. I mean, just watch his guitar solo at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; and, whether many want to admit it or not, we watched Purple Rain and find ourselves singing, "Maybe, I'm just like father. Maybe, I'm just like my mother....when doves cry."

But, imagine this:

Spirit Prison with Prince, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Robin Williams, Doris Roberts, Merle Haggard, Patty Duke, Gary Shandling.....

And, even Larry Drake, who I will always remember from "L.A. Law," Darkman, and Dr. Giggles, recently died.

It is not that I'm saying that Spirit Prison is a happening place these days because of all the recent celebrity deaths, but the thought of these people getting to hear about the Fullness of the Gospel in the Postmortal World is a pleasant and comforting.

There are some great Missionary Moments these days in the Postmortal World.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

자주 보는 것

I have run into this many times with Protestants: 

Don't trust any church, just read the Bible and get your on meaning out of it. But, when they are trying to convert you, you just need to trust their interpretation of the Scriptures over everyone else's.

And, the different Protestants all have different, very vague ideas. It's all confusing.